Explore NSU


Sports has always been an integral part of Manipur culture and important aspect of life such that we could say that Manipur has a rich sports heritage and has resulted in glory of the State in realms of sports.

A rich sports heritage and has resulted in glory of the State in realms of sports.

Message from Vice-Chancellor (Officiating)


Prof. Usha S. Nair

Vice-Chancellor (Officiating)

Dear prospective students and members of our academic community,

It is with great pleasure and optimism that I welcome you to the National Sports University. In these hallowed corridors of learning, we believe in the transformative power of education to shape individuals and, in turn, the world....See More


Smt. Sujata Chaturvedi

Secretary Sports
Government of India

Aspiration is the main fuel for progress. Aspirations transform ordinary people into extraordinary achievers. National Sports University (NSU ) is the fulfillment of the aspirations of the people of Manipur and the Government..See More